Holy Family 1960s

A Church Rooted in Grace and Justice 

We have preached a gospel of God’s justice and radical welcome and empowerment of God’s children for over 60 years. Holy Family was started as a mission to the people living in the Cabrini-Green public housing complexes, seeking to empower African-American leadership in our community. While the neighborhood of Cabrini-Green has changed from one of the largest and poorest public housing complexes in Chicago to a mixed-income neighborhood, Holy Family has lived out Jesus’ teachings by taking our ministry outside of the church doors and into the community.

Today, we live out that mission in proclaiming God’s grace to a new neighborhood, working for housing justice in Chicago, and as a vibrant multi-racial worshiping community committed to our African-descent roots.

Click here to read about our church, started in 1962 with a simple mission: serve the people in our city.

You can read more about us in Ben Austen’s Highrisers and some of our members in High-Rise Stories.